All aspects of electrical work covered, and with over 10 years experience with electrical installations, I've got the skills to make it happen along with the experience to make it right.
Got an emergency? A technical issue? Or a vision you want to turn into reality? Get in touch for a no obligation quote.



Need an extra socket? Have a Lighting Installation problem that needs some professional attention? No matter what your vision is, I can help you bring it to life. If you need repairs done, need assistance or just some advice, give me a call!
Portable Appliance Testing (PAT), Electrical Certificate for Landlords, Periodic Inspections, remedial works or something an Insurance Company or Solicitor has asked you for that you don't understand... Get in touch and let me deal with the paperwork.
All work is certified, reported and insured.
All those cables!!Â
Is your board outdated? Need an upgrade or something just keeps tripping? You name it, I can do it!
I perform the repairs and improvements you need with the experience, skill, and customer service you deserve. Feel free to call for more information or to set up an appointment.

Whilst I do my very best to stick to my estimate, sometimes there are unforeseen circumstances...
Any estimate considers that the existing electrical installation is sound and in adequate condition for additional works.
The cost quoted assumes continuous and unhindered access to the site during the working day.
A working day is considered to be between the hours of 0830 and 1630. Work required outside
these times will attract additional charge.
Whilst I try very hard to accurately estimate costs, as is the nature in construction, unforeseen
circumstances and additional resources may be required
Where materials are required, these will always be charged at wholesale price.
Where additional labour is required beyond the estimated time, this will be discussed with you the
client prior, and at a reduced hourly rate and will not exceed 20% of the overall estimated labour cost.
All electrical installation work will comply with BS7671 and any amendments in force at the time of the works. All work where applicable will also be executed in full compliance with applicable Building Regulations in force at the time of the works, particularly in respect of Work In Dwellings to allow the legal Part P obligations to be met. Where a client requires deviation from such regulations, a written instruction and record will be required.
Unless stated otherwise, all cables will be concealed by chasing into the building fabric or concealed in building voids, under floors, etc. Where impracticable, cabling will be neatly surface run, either clipping direct or housed in trunking and/or conduit.
Where carpet or flooring coverings may require lifting to allow concealed installation work this is covered in the scope of works. I will make every effort to avoid damaging them and to refit them to an acceptable standard. However, consideration of employing a specialist fitter may be prudent, at your cost to ensure a fully satisfactory reinstatement upon completion of work.
Unless agreed beforehand, chases to walls, etc will require filling and skimming at your cost except where I have advised I will arrange for this to take place.
All endeavours will be made to undertake installation work to a clean standard, using dustsheets and vacuum cleaning equipment as necessary. You are advised to ensure that breakables and loose items are packed away during works.
An estimate outlines the expected duration of the installation work.
Re-decoration and final making good is excluded from quoted costs, unless specifically detailed as included.
Removal from site and disposal of rubble, fittings, wiring, materials, general waste and packaging is included within what is deemed an acceptable amount.
·Please voice any concerns highlighted during pricing discussions, as I would like my experience to benefit you in the future when planning your home/business alterations.
· The Client is expected to provide access to WC, power for tools, water, storage space and parking at no cost.· Any required planning permission is the responsibility of the client.
· The risk in all goods supplied shall pass to the Client upon delivery.
· The client is responsible for ensuring that the property is insured for the duration of the installation work.INSURANCE
· I am covered by public and products liability of £2,000,000 and professional indemnity of £250,000.COMPLAINTS
· Complaints should be addressed to myself and a written record of complaints and outcomes will be kept on record.
· If the outcome is unsatisfactory, you are within your rights to contact the governing body with which I am registered.HEALTH AND SAFETY
· This estimate does not cover the cost of or control of any hazardous materials (e.g. Asbestos). Where materialssuspected of being asbestos are discovered please note that work will be halted until a satisfactory survey can be undertaken at your cost. If you suspect Asbestos in your property, you are obliged to inform me.
·Customers often find it useful to see examples of work I have undertaken to appreciate how work ordered might look in their own buildings. I may therefore take photographs of work for use on my digital platforms. Pictures will never be taken that allow the property or customer to be identified. I will also never use an image that may cause offence, embarrassment or distress. If you would prefer me not to take pictures of work or if you would like an image removed please notify me.
· Final payment for work undertaken is due 7 days after the issuance of the final invoice. Please note that a failure to pay within 30 days will result in the withholding of any installation certificates and debt recovery proceedings with additional costs as per legislation at https://www.gov.uk/late-commercial- payments- interest-debt-recovery/when-a-payment-becomes-late
· Completion disputes – should a dispute arise on completion of the project, the client has the right
to withhold a maximum of 10% of the final sum owed until an agreement is reached.
· Title of all materials and goods remain the property of That Northern Fella Ltd. until the balance is paid in full.
Provision of a reply email, or signature below shall be deemed to be agreement to the terms listed above.